Tag Archives: Healing

August 10th 2023 – Unfailing Assurance of God’s Love

“For I am convinced that neither death nor life, neither angels nor demons, neither the present nor the future, nor any powers, neither height nor depth, nor anything else in all creation, will be able to separate us from the love of God that is in Christ Jesus our Lord.” – Romans 8:38-39

Let us bask in the unfailing assurance of God’s boundless love that transcends time, space, and all the challenges we face in this world. In a world that is ever-changing and often tumultuous, we find solace and strength in the steadfastness of God’s love for us.

The assurance of God’s love is not merely a concept, but a reality that permeates every fiber of our being. It is a love that surpasses all understanding, a love that has been demonstrated through the sacrifice of Jesus Christ on the cross. As we gaze upon the wounds of our Savior, we are reminded of the immeasurable depth of God’s love for us.

No matter what we have done or how far we may have strayed, God’s love remains constant and unchanging. His love is not based on our performance or our merits, but on His perfect nature. It is a love that is unconditional, forgiving, and overflowing with grace. It is a love that pursues us relentlessly, even in our darkest moments.

This assurance of God’s love offers comfort, healing, and hope. It assures us that we are never alone, for God is with us every step of our journey. It assures us that we are deeply known and intimately loved by the Creator of the universe. It assures us that we have a secure and eternal home in His loving embrace.

Let us hold fast to this assurance of God’s love, for it is the foundation of our faith. It empowers us to face the storms of life with confidence, knowing that we are held by the One who loves us beyond measure. It frees us from the chains of guilt and shame, reminding us that we are forgiven and redeemed. It transforms our hearts, enabling us to love others as God loves us.

Today, let us take a moment to reflect on the assurance of God’s love. Close your eyes, breathe deeply, and allow His love to wash over you. Feel His presence surrounding you, enveloping you in His tender care. Know that His love is unshakeable, unbreakable, and unending. Rest in the assurance that nothing can separate us from His love.


Heavenly Father, thank You for the assurance of Your love. Help us to fully comprehend the depth and breadth of Your love for us. May Your love fill our hearts, transforming us from the inside out. Give us the courage to embrace Your love and share it with others. In Jesus’ name, Amen.

If you are in need of prayer for yourself or others, please Click Here

If you are seeking Jesus in your life or want to recommit your life to Him. Click Here to learn more.

Rob Lavallee

Scriptural Seeds Ministries


July 22nd 2023 – God’s Faithful Promise of Abundant Blessings

Deuteronomy 7:15 – “The Lord will remove from you all sickness, and he will not inflict on you any of the harmful diseases of Egypt that you have known, but he will inflict them on all who hate you.” –

In this verse, God reveals His compassionate nature and His desire to bless His children abundantly. The Israelites were about to enter the Promised Land, and God, through Moses, was reminding them of His faithfulness. He assured them that He would remove all sickness and protect them from the harmful diseases they had witnessed during their time in Egypt.

This promise holds great significance for us as believers today. Just as God delivered the Israelites from the bondage of slavery, He has delivered us from the power of sin through His Son, Jesus Christ. We have been set free to live a life of abundant blessings, both spiritual and physical.

God’s promise to remove all sickness from His people reveals His heart of compassion and the depth of His love. He longs for us to experience wholeness and well-being, knowing that our bodies are temples of the Holy Spirit (1 Corinthians 6:19). While we may still face physical challenges in this fallen world, we can trust that God is our ultimate healer. He has the power to bring restoration, healing, and complete well-being into our lives.

Moreover, this verse serves as a reminder that God is our protector. He shields us from the harmful afflictions that may seek to harm us. It is important to understand that this does not mean we will never face difficulties or opposition in life. However, we can be assured that God will be with us every step of the way, shielding us from the full impact of the trials we encounter.

As we meditate on this promise, let us also remember that God’s blessings are not solely for our benefit. This verse also highlights that those who hate God’s people will experience the very afflictions that God promises to spare His children. It reveals God’s justice and His unwavering commitment to His people.

In conclusion, let us hold onto the truth embedded in Deuteronomy 7:15. Our loving God desires to bless us abundantly, bringing healing and protection into our lives. He longs to see us flourish in every aspect of our existence, both spiritually and physically. Let us trust in His faithfulness and remain steadfast in our devotion to Him. May we draw closer to God each day, knowing that He is our healer, protector, and the source of all blessings.


Heavenly Father,

We come before You today with hearts overflowing with gratitude and awe for Your unwavering love and faithfulness. We thank You for the promise You have given us in Deuteronomy 7:15, assuring us of Your divine protection and healing.

Lord, we acknowledge that You are the Great Physician, the One who holds all power and authority over sickness and disease. We humbly ask that You fulfill Your promise to remove all sickness from our lives. We pray for those who are currently battling illnesses, physical ailments, or any form of affliction. May Your healing touch be upon them, bringing restoration and wholeness to their bodies.

Father, we lift up those who may be facing challenges, feeling overwhelmed by physical and emotional pain. Grant them strength and courage to endure, knowing that You are with them every step of the way. Surround them with Your comforting presence and pour out Your divine healing upon them.

Lord, we also pray for protection. Shield us from harmful diseases and afflictions that may seek to harm us. We trust in Your unfailing love and unwavering care. May Your divine hedge of protection surround us, our families, and our loved ones.

Help us to remember that Your blessings are not just for our benefit but also for the transformation of the world around us. As we experience Your healing and protection, empower us to be witnesses of Your love and compassion. Guide us to extend a helping hand to those in need, offering comfort, support, and prayers.

Lord, we surrender our lives into Your hands, trusting in Your perfect plan for us. Strengthen our faith and deepen our relationship with You. Help us to walk in obedience to Your Word, knowing that Your promises are true and unchanging.

We thank You, Lord, for hearing our prayers and for being our ever-present help in times of trouble. May Your name be glorified in every aspect of our lives. In the mighty name of Jesus, we pray. Amen.

Watch “Healer | Kari Jobe” on YouTube

If you are in need of prayer for yourself or others, please Click Here

If you are seeking Jesus in your life or want to recommit your life to Him. Click Here to learn more.


Rob Lavallee

Scriptural Seeds Ministries


July 18th 2023 – Surrendering To Gods Divine Restoration

Mark 16:17-18 “And these signs will accompany those who believe: In my name they will drive out demons; they will speak in new tongues; they will pick up snakes with their hands; and when they drink deadly poison, it will not hurt them at all; they will place their hands on sick people, and they will get well.”

In these verses from the book of Mark, Jesus reveals a powerful truth about the authority and gifts He bestows upon believers. He promises that signs and wonders will accompany those who believe in Him. One of those remarkable signs is the gift of healing.

As followers of Christ, we are called to embrace this gift of healing and use it to bring comfort, restoration, and hope to those who are suffering physically, emotionally, or spiritually. Jesus empowers us with His authority to lay hands on the sick, praying for their well-being. Through our faith in Him, miracles can happen, and lives can be transformed.

It’s important to remember that healing takes various forms. While physical healing is undoubtedly significant and miraculous, we should not overlook the immense power of emotional and spiritual healing. Sometimes, the wounds that cannot be seen are the ones that hurt the most. By reaching out to others with compassion, love, and understanding, we can help heal hearts, mend broken spirits, and offer solace to those in need.

To fully embrace the gift of healing, we must cultivate a deep relationship with Jesus. It is through our intimate connection with Him that His healing power flows through us. Spending time in prayer, studying His Word, and seeking the guidance of the Holy Spirit will strengthen our faith and enable us to walk confidently in His healing authority.

Remember, healing is not solely dependent on our abilities but on God’s sovereign will. Sometimes, healing may not occur as we desire or expect, but even in those moments, we can trust that God has a greater purpose and plan. His ways are higher than ours, and His love for us is immeasurable. We must continue to have faith, even when the outcome may not align with our desires, knowing that God is always with us, providing comfort and strength.


Heavenly Father, We come before You with humble hearts, seeking Your divine touch and healing power. You are the great Physician, the ultimate source of all healing. We believe in Your goodness, Your mercy, and Your compassion, knowing that You are always near to those who are hurting.

Lord, we lift up to You all those who are in need of physical, emotional, or spiritual healing. We pray for those who are battling sickness and disease, asking for Your healing touch to restore their bodies and bring them relief from pain. Pour out Your supernatural strength upon them, Lord, and grant them the endurance to persevere through their challenges.

Father, we also ask for Your healing presence to touch those who are burdened with emotional wounds and scars. Bring comfort to their hearts, Lord, and replace their sorrow with Your peace that surpasses all understanding. Heal their brokenness and restore their joy. May they feel Your love surrounding them, providing solace and healing balm to their souls.

Furthermore, we lift up to You those who are in need of spiritual healing. Heal their doubts and strengthen their faith. Renew their minds and cleanse their hearts, that they may experience the fullness of Your presence and the transformative power of your Spirit. Help them to find forgiveness and restoration in You, knowing that You are the ultimate source of redemption.

Lord, we acknowledge that Your ways are higher than ours, and sometimes healing may come in ways we do not anticipate. In those moments, grant us the faith and trust to surrender to Your perfect will. Your plans for us are always good, and you work all things for our ultimate good.

We thank You, Lord, for Your faithfulness and the assurance that You hear our prayers. May our lives reflect Your healing love as we extend a helping hand to those in need. Use us, Lord, as vessels of our grace and instruments of Your healing power.

In Jesus’ precious name, we pray, believing that You are the God who heals. Amen.

Have you ever eacknowledged Jesus as you Lord and Savior?

If you do not know Him personally. I encourage you not to pass up the precious gift of His love and eternal life. We truly are living in the end days, a d the only road to Heavwn is through Jesus Christ. Jesus died on the cross for you and me. Jesus loves us and wants to help us through the storms. If you have not asked Jesus to be your Lord and Savior please click here 4 Simple Steps to Jesus

If you would like to request a prayer Click Here

Rob Lavallee

Scriptural Seeds Ministries


July 11th 2023 – Trusting God When Feeling Let Down

Life has a way of bringing disappointments and letdowns that can leave us feeling downcast and discouraged. We may have experienced unmet expectations, broken promises, or dreams that seemed to crumble before our eyes. In these moments, it’s easy to question God’s plan and wonder why things didn’t turn out as we hoped. However, it is precisely in these times of disappointment that our faith can grow deeper, and our trust in God can be strengthened.

Psalm 42:11 – “Why, my soul, are you downcast? Why so disturbed within me? Put your hope in God, for I will yet praise him, my Savior and my God.”

The psalmist in Psalm 42 cries out, “Why, my soul, are you downcast? Why so disturbed within me?” These questions resonate with our own struggles when we feel let down. But the psalmist doesn’t stop there; they offer a powerful solution: “Put your hope in God.” 

When we feel let down, it’s crucial to redirect our focus and place our trust in God. We can find comfort and solace in knowing that God is always with us, even in our disappointments. He sees our pain and understands our heartache. He longs to bring healing and restoration to our weary souls.

Remember, Jesus Himself experienced deep disappointment. He was let down by His closest friends who deserted Him in His hour of need. Yet, even in His darkest moments, He put His trust in God. He surrendered to the Father’s will, knowing that His plan was greater than any disappointment or betrayal He faced.

In seasons of letdown, let us follow Jesus’ example by praising God in the midst of our pain. Let us acknowledge that He is our Savior and our God, who never leaves us nor forsakes us. As we cultivate an attitude of praise, our perspective shifts, and we begin to see God’s faithfulness and goodness even in the midst of disappointment.

While disappointment may linger, we can find hope in knowing that God’s plans are higher than our own. He can take our shattered dreams and transform them into something beautiful. His timing is perfect, and He works all things together for our good.

So, in times of letdown, let us choose to trust God. Let us put our hope in Him, knowing that He is faithful and will guide us through every disappointment. May we find strength in our relationship with Him, knowing that He has a purpose and a plan for our lives, even when things don’t turn out as we expected.


Heavenly Father, I come to You today with a heavy heart, feeling let down and disappointed. Help me to trust in Your plan and to put my hope in You. Remind me of Your faithfulness and goodness, even in the midst of my disappointments. Give me the strength to praise You in all circumstances and to surrender my disappointments into Your capable hands. Guide me and lead me according to Your perfect will. In Jesus’ name, I pray. Amen.

Take a moment to reflect on God’s faithfulness and His promise to work all things together for your good. Trust that He is with you in every disappointment and that He will bring beauty out of ashes. Keep your hope in Him, for He is your Savior and your God.

If you would like to request a prayer Click Here

Please click here to learn more about how to ask Jesus into your heart. 4 Simple Steps to Jesus

Rob Lavallee

Scriptural Seeds Ministries


July 9th 2023 – God’s Compassion and Power to Heal

Today, let’s reflect on the profound gift of healing that our Lord has bestowed upon us. Throughout the pages of the Bible, we witness countless examples of God’s compassion and power to heal the brokenness in our lives. It is through His grace and love that we find restoration, both in body and spirit.

Isaiah 53:5 – “But he was pierced for our transgressions, he was crushed for our iniquities; the punishment that brought us peace was on him, and by his wounds we are healed.”

In the book of Isaiah, we are reminded that it is the Lord who heals our diseases and binds up our wounds. His divine touch brings forth miraculous healing, mending the deepest pains and restoring us to wholeness. It is through His Son, Jesus Christ, that we find ultimate healing, for He bore our sins and infirmities on the cross, offering us redemption and eternal life.

As followers of Christ, we are called to not only seek healing for ourselves but to also become vessels of His healing for others. We are encouraged to extend the love and compassion of Jesus to those who are hurting and broken, just as He did during His earthly ministry. Through prayer, laying on of hands, and speaking words of encouragement, we have the privilege to participate in the healing work of our Lord.

However, we must also recognize that healing does not always occur in the way we expect or desire. Sometimes, physical ailments persist, emotional wounds linger, and the answers to our prayers seem elusive. In these moments, we are called to trust in God’s sovereignty and wisdom. He alone knows what is best for us, and He promises to be with us in every season of life.

Even if complete physical healing is not granted in this earthly realm, we can find solace in the spiritual healing that God offers. His grace is sufficient to carry us through any affliction, providing comfort, peace, and strength. Through our trials, we are refined and transformed, drawing closer to God and becoming more like His Son, Jesus Christ.

Let us also remember that healing extends beyond the physical realm. Our souls require healing from the wounds of sin, guilt, and shame. It is through the power of Christ’s sacrifice and forgiveness that we find true spiritual healing. As we surrender our brokenness to Him, He washes away our sins and fills us with His perfect love and peace.

Today, let us approach the throne of grace with faith and confidence, seeking God’s healing touch in our lives. Whether it be physical, emotional, or spiritual healing, we can trust that our Heavenly Father hears our prayers and responds according to His perfect will. Let us also strive to be instruments of His healing, bringing hope and restoration to those around us.


Heavenly Father, We come before you today, seeking your healing touch in our lives. We lay our burdens and ailments at your feet, trusting in your power to restore and renew us. Lord, we believe that you are the Great Physician, capable of healing every affliction, both physical and spiritual.

In the name of Jesus, we ask for your healing presence to flow through our bodies, bringing strength, comfort, and restoration. Touch every area of pain, sickness, and disease, and replace it with your divine health. We declare that by your stripes, we are healed.

Lord, we also ask for emotional and spiritual healing. Mend the brokenness within our hearts and minds, and bring peace and wholeness to our souls. Heal us from the wounds of the past, and fill us with your love, joy, and peace that surpasses all understanding.

We pray not only for ourselves but also for those around us who are in need of healing. Reach out your hand and touch them with your grace and mercy. Use us as instruments of your healing, that we may bring hope and comfort to those who are hurting.

As we await your healing touch, grant us patience, faith, and trust in your perfect timing. Help us to surrender our worries and fears, knowing that you are in control and have a plan for our lives. May your will be done, and may your healing power be manifest in our lives for your glory.

In Jesus’ holy and precious name, we pray. Amen.

If you have never experienced the love of God through a relationship with Jesus then come to Him today. He will never turn you away.

If you would like to request a prayer Click Here

Please click here to learn more about how to ask Jesus into your heart. 4 Simple Steps to Jesus

Rob Lavallee

Scriptural Seeds Ministries


July 6th 2023 – Embracing God’s Love and Grace

Romans 5:8 “But God demonstrates his own love for us in this: While we were still sinners, Christ died for us.”

In the midst of our human imperfections and shortcomings, God chose to send His Son, Jesus Christ, to die on the cross for our sins. This act of sacrificial love reveals the depth of His mercy and the vastness of His grace.

Consider the significance of God’s love: it is not dependent on our actions or worthiness. While we were still sinners, Christ willingly laid down His life for us, offering us forgiveness and reconciliation with our Heavenly Father. It is through His sacrifice that we can experience true freedom from guilt and shame.

As we meditate on God’s love, we also should reflect on the grace that accompanies it. Grace is the unmerited favor of God, freely given to us, regardless of our past mistakes or present struggles. It is through God’s grace that we can find solace in times of weakness, strength in moments of doubt, and hope in the face of adversity.

In our journey of faith, it is easy to become burdened by self-condemnation or overwhelmed by the challenges we face. However, let us remember that God’s love and grace are greater than any obstacle we encounter. They offer us a fresh start, a renewed purpose, and an everlasting hope

Today, take a moment to embrace God’s love and grace. Open your heart to His forgiveness, allowing His love to heal any wounds or regrets you may carry. Surrender your burdens and trust in His grace to carry you through difficult times.

May you find comfort in knowing that you are loved beyond measure, and may God’s grace empower you to extend love and forgiveness to others. Let us live each day in gratitude for the immeasurable gift of His love and the boundless depths of His grace.


Heavenly Father, thank you for your incredible love and grace. Help us to fully comprehend the depth of your love revealed through Jesus’ sacrifice on the cross. May we embrace your forgiveness and extend it to others. Fill our hearts with gratitude and empower us to live lives that reflect your love and grace. In Jesus’ name, we pray. Amen.

If you have never experienced the love of God through a relationship with Jesus then come to Him today. He will never turn you away.

If you would like to request a prayer Click Here

Please click here to learn more about how to ask Jesus into your heart. 4 Simple Steps to Jesus

Rob Lavallee

Scriptural Seeds Ministries


May 4th 2020 – Look To Jesus

“The Son radiates God’s own glory and expresses the very character of God, and he sustains everything by the mighty power of his command. When he had cleansed us from our sins, he sat down in the place of honor at the right hand of the majestic God in heaven.” (Hebrews 1:3)

There is just something about the name of Jesus!  His Name is the most beautiful of all names.  This verse shows us that Jesus radiates God’s very glory, and He expresses the very character of the Father.  Jesus said that he who has seen Him has seen the Father.  He and His Father are one.

The reason this is so important is that many times we do not fully understand God, because we have never seen Him.  But when we look into the Gospels and we read about Jesus, He shows us who God the Father is.  You see, Jesus was a healer, and a provider.  He let John lay His head on His chest.  Jesus is the One that calmed the storms and raised the dead.  He is the One who promised those that believe in Him that we will have eternal life.

When we understand that to look at Jesus is to see the Father, we know that the Father will heal us, and the Father will calm the storms in our lives.  He will provide for our needs, and He wants us to lay our heads near His heart and rest in Him.  You see, the Father loves us just like Jesus does.  The Father and Jesus are one, and the great love that Jesus showed by going to the cross to die for you and me is the same love that the Father in heaven has for us.

That is why Jesus said not to pray to Him, but to pray to our Father in heaven in His Name, and He will answer us.  So today, get to know the Father.  He loves you and cares for you.  To know Him is to know life.  So enjoy His presence in your life each and every day!


Heavenly Father, I praise You in all circumstances Lord, Thank You for your overwhelming love that You have for me. I want to know my Father better and see all that my Father is, and the place that He wants to take in my life. Please help me share who You are to everyone. I pray this in Jesus’ glorious name, Amen.

If you are in need of prayer for yourself or others, please Click Here

If you are seeking Jesus in your life or want to recommit your life to Him. Click Here to learn more.


Rob Lavallee

Scriptural Seeds Ministries



March 21st 2020 – Our Tears

I am worn out from sobbing. All night I flood my bed with weeping, drenching it with my tears.” (Psalms 6:6)

How does deep emotional pain hit us? How do we respond to it? It could come from the death of a precious loved one, the hardship of having someone betray you, or the sin you keep falling into that you hate. Perhaps you’ve had sorrow as King David did and had a child turn against you. Many of us, no matter how tough we are, have experienced pain that brought us to tears. How does God look at you and me during our struggles and when we’re weeping before Him?

You keep track of all my sorrows. You have collected all my tears in your bottle. You have recorded each one in your book” (Psalms 56:8)

Our loving heavenly Father takes distinct note of when we cry. When we cry, we do not keep our tears, but they are captured by the Lord. Have you ever been bothered by seeing your child struggle, getting hurt, and crying? It is even more so with our Father in heaven who sent His Son to intercede with His tears on behalf of our struggles and sins. Jesus sowed tears of sorrow for our sin so that He could give us joy by defeating our sin (Psalm 126:3). Take heart today by knowing God has taken note of our hurts, our struggle, our prayer, our tears, and most importantly our sins, and we will ultimately be eternally freed if we have entrusted our life to Him.

“He will wipe every tear from their eyes, and there will be no more death or sorrow or crying or pain. All these things are gone forever” (Revelation 21:4)

“Jesus turns our tears into diamonds in His nail scarred hands.”


Heavenly Father, Thank you for capturing my heart, my sorrows, and my tears. Thank you for paying the ultimate price for my sin so that I can be eternally delivered from the sorrow of my sin in such a sin stained world. I have great hope because of You Lord. Thank you for caring for me and remembering me even when I weep. Please keep reminding me that my tears are but for a moment, and you will wipe every tear I ever had away from my face. Please give me Your power to see and walk in Your joy since I know this day is coming. In Jesus’ name. Amen.

If you are in need of prayer for yourself or others, please Click Here

If you are seeking Jesus in your life or want to recommit your life to Him. Click Here to learn more.


Rob Lavallee

Scriptural Seeds Ministries


March 20th 2020 – Dear God, Help

“Jesus immediately reached out and grabbed him. “You have so little faith,” Jesus said. “Why did you doubt me?”When they climbed back into the boat, the wind stopped.” (Matthew 14:31-32)

Sometimes we are embarrassed to admit to God that we need help. We feel as though we should be able to work things out on our own. But what we should to be doing is crying out to Jesus. We should never be embarrassed or feel ashamed in asking for God’s help.

When Peter got out of the boat and walked toward Jesus, he walked on the water until he took his eyes off Jesus, he questioned in his heart if that was possible and began to sink. It hardly came as a surprise to to Jesus, he knew where Peters Faith was. But He also knew what Peter would become. He didn’t merely see him for what he was; He saw him for what he would be. And that is how God sees us as well.

Jesus knew that Peter would fail, not only in this situation, but later when Peter would deny Him. In fact, Jesus brought it to Peter’s attention on one occasion (see Luke 22:31–32). So Peter’s failure came as no shock to Jesus.

And just as Peter was sinking, the Bible tells us that “immediately Jesus stretched out His hand and caught him, and said to him, ‘O you of little faith, why did you doubt?’ And when they got into the boat, the wind ceased” (Matthew 14:31–32).

The Bible doesn’t say that Jesus carried Peter back. They got into the boat, which means that Peter stood up and walked with Jesus on the water once more, back to the boat. And where did Jesus take Peter and the disciples? Back to land.

We will have our miraculous moments in life, our mountaintop experiences. But mountaintops prepare us for the valleys of life, and calm waters prepare us for the storms.

Maybe you are sinking right now. Maybe you are gripped by fear, worry, and defeat. Follow the example of Peter: cry out to Jesus. He will not rebuke a person who is trying to come to Him by faith.

“When doubt, fear, or worry come your way, cry out to Jesus, He hears our cries for help!”


Heavenly Father, It gets so hard trying to face the storms of life on our own especially when we feel weak. I need Your power and strength to face each one. Please continue to help and teach me to turn to You first. Help me learn to patiently endure the suffering and the hard times and honor You in the midst of them as I walk by faith. I lift up all of my troubles and faithfully trust in You Lord that you will guide us through the storms and calm the raging seas of our lives. In Jesus’ name, Amen.

If you have not accepted Jesus Christ as your Savior, Don’t wait! In a flash of a second it could be too late!” Click Here to read Four Simple Steps to Jesus.

If you are in need of prayer for yourself or others, please Click Here


Rob Lavallee

Scriptural Seeds Ministries

March 18th 2020 – Undeserved Priviledge

“It is this Good News that saves you if you continue to believe the message I told you-unless, of course, you believed something that was never true in the first place.” (1 Corinthians 15:2)

I cannot picture a more beautiful thing than the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Fallen humanity stands before God covered in filthy garments stained with sins. We desperately try to wipe off each stain but in the process, we only make it worse. All hope seems lost until the God of all creation, in the perfect act of love, comes down among us. He removes our filthy sin stained garments and they are nailed to the cross… along with Himself. We didn’t deserve it. We didn’t do anything to earn it. It was simply the act of a loving God.

“Therefore, since we have been made right in God’s sight by faith, we have peace with God because of what Jesus Christ our Lord has done for us. Because of our faith, Christ has brought us into this place of undeserved privilege where we now stand, and we confidently and joyfully look forward to sharing God’s glory.” (Romans 5:1-2)

Now if we believe in what Jesus did and stand in faith, we can be granted forgiveness and everlasting life. This undeserved privilege is given by grace from a God who desires that none should ever perish. Even as we walk this life with Christ, we will stumble and fall, but we can confidently stand back up understanding that His grace covers all our sins. Are you in this place of undeserved privilege? If so, then rejoice in Christ and share Him with others. If not, then come to Him now and find rest for your soul.

“We receive forgiveness only by grace. We stand or continue in our faith only by grace.”


Heavenly Father, I know that I have sinned, and I thank You for the forgiveness offered through Jesus. Because of Your grace, I am able to live in a place of undeserved privilege. Thank You for the assurance that my sins are forgiven once I confessed them to you in repentance. Help me understand and recognize when I do sin sin. Draw me close to You for forgiveness and strenght from those areas of my life. Grow my desire to share Your love, Your forgiveness with others. In Jesus’ name, Amen.

Have you ever asked Jesus into your life? Would you like to have a personal relationship with Him? That is the ultimate decision you will have to make. Jesus died on the cross for you and me. He loves you and wants to help you. If you have not asked Jesus to be your Lord and Savior please click here 4 Simple Steps to Jesus Your life will never be the same…

If you are in need of prayer for yourself or others, please Click Here


Rob Lavallee

Scriptural Seeds Ministries
