Tag Archives: Challenges

August 10th 2023 – Unfailing Assurance of God’s Love

“For I am convinced that neither death nor life, neither angels nor demons, neither the present nor the future, nor any powers, neither height nor depth, nor anything else in all creation, will be able to separate us from the love of God that is in Christ Jesus our Lord.” – Romans 8:38-39

Let us bask in the unfailing assurance of God’s boundless love that transcends time, space, and all the challenges we face in this world. In a world that is ever-changing and often tumultuous, we find solace and strength in the steadfastness of God’s love for us.

The assurance of God’s love is not merely a concept, but a reality that permeates every fiber of our being. It is a love that surpasses all understanding, a love that has been demonstrated through the sacrifice of Jesus Christ on the cross. As we gaze upon the wounds of our Savior, we are reminded of the immeasurable depth of God’s love for us.

No matter what we have done or how far we may have strayed, God’s love remains constant and unchanging. His love is not based on our performance or our merits, but on His perfect nature. It is a love that is unconditional, forgiving, and overflowing with grace. It is a love that pursues us relentlessly, even in our darkest moments.

This assurance of God’s love offers comfort, healing, and hope. It assures us that we are never alone, for God is with us every step of our journey. It assures us that we are deeply known and intimately loved by the Creator of the universe. It assures us that we have a secure and eternal home in His loving embrace.

Let us hold fast to this assurance of God’s love, for it is the foundation of our faith. It empowers us to face the storms of life with confidence, knowing that we are held by the One who loves us beyond measure. It frees us from the chains of guilt and shame, reminding us that we are forgiven and redeemed. It transforms our hearts, enabling us to love others as God loves us.

Today, let us take a moment to reflect on the assurance of God’s love. Close your eyes, breathe deeply, and allow His love to wash over you. Feel His presence surrounding you, enveloping you in His tender care. Know that His love is unshakeable, unbreakable, and unending. Rest in the assurance that nothing can separate us from His love.


Heavenly Father, thank You for the assurance of Your love. Help us to fully comprehend the depth and breadth of Your love for us. May Your love fill our hearts, transforming us from the inside out. Give us the courage to embrace Your love and share it with others. In Jesus’ name, Amen.

If you are in need of prayer for yourself or others, please Click Here

If you are seeking Jesus in your life or want to recommit your life to Him. Click Here to learn more.

Rob Lavallee

Scriptural Seeds Ministries


July 31st 2023 – Be Still and Know that HE is God

In the hustle and bustle of our daily lives, it can be challenging to find moments of stillness and peace. We often find ourselves caught up in the noise of the world, constantly bombarded by distractions and responsibilities. However, in the midst of it all, God calls us to pause and find solace in His presence.

Psalm 46:10-11 says, “Be still, and know that I am God; I will be exalted among the nations, I will be exalted in the earth. The Lord Almighty is with us; the God of Jacob is our fortress.”

These verses remind us of the importance of stillness and seeking God’s presence. In the quiet moments of our lives, we can experience His divine calmness, reassurance, and guidance. It is in the stillness that we come to truly know and understand God’s character, His faithfulness, and His sovereignty over all things.

When we take the time to be still, to cease striving and worrying, we create space for God to work within us. In the stillness, we can hear His gentle whisper, guiding us, comforting us, and reminding us of His unfailing love for us. It is in these moments that our faith is strengthened, and we find the courage to face the challenges that lie ahead.

God invites us to lay down our burdens, to release control, and to trust in His perfect plan. He longs to be exalted not only in our lives but also among the nations and throughout the whole earth. As we experience His presence and peace, we become vessels of His love and light, spreading it to those around us.

I encourage you to find a quiet place, free from distractions, and spend time in stillness before God. Breathe deeply, allowing His peace to fill your heart. Be reminded that He is with you, that He is your refuge and strength, and that He is always in control. Take comfort in the assurance that you are loved and cherished by the Almighty God.

May the words of Psalm 46:10-11 resonate within your spirit, leading you to a deeper understanding of God’s character and a greater trust in His unfailing presence. May you find solace in the stillness, knowing that He is God, and in Him, you will always find rest for your soul.


Heavenly Father, In the midst of the chaos and uncertainties that surround us, we come before You with grateful hearts. Your Word in Psalm 46:10-11 reminds us to be still and know that You are God. We acknowledge that in the stillness, we find comfort, strength, and unwavering faith.

Lord, help us to quiet our hearts and minds, to let go of our worries, and to trust in Your perfect plan. Grant us the wisdom to surrender our anxieties and fears to You, knowing that You are in control of every situation. As we submit to Your authority, we find peace that surpasses all understanding.

Father, we recognize that You are exalted among the nations, and Your glory extends to the ends of the earth. May Your name be praised and lifted high in every corner of the world. Use us, Your children, as instruments of Your love, grace, and mercy. Help us to reflect Your light in a darkened world and to point others towards Your everlasting hope.

In the stillness, we find solace in Your presence. Your Spirit whispers words of comfort, assurance, and guidance. Strengthen our faith as we listen attentively to Your voice. Give us the courage to step out in obedience, trusting that You will be our fortress and refuge.

We thank You, Lord, for being our constant companion. We rejoice in knowing that You are always with us, even in the midst of trials and challenges. Your unfailing love sustains us, and Your mighty power upholds us. May we never lose sight of Your faithfulness as we navigate through life’s storms.

As we meditate on these verses, Lord, deepen our understanding of who You are. Teach us to rely on Your strength rather than our own. Help us to surrender our desires and plans at Your feet, seeking Your will above all else. In Jesus’ name, we pray. Amen.

If you do not know Jesus personally in your life, please consider the love and forgiveness that Jesus offers each and every one of us freely. He has personally changed my life..

Jesus Christ says, “Behold, I stand at the door and knock; if anyone hears my voice and opens the door, I will come in to him” (Revelation 3:20)

The Bible promises eternal life to all who receive Christ: “God has given us eternal life, and this life is in his Son. He who has the Son has the life; he who does not have the Son of God does not have the life. I write these things to you who believe in the name of the Son of God so that you may know that you have eternal life” (1 John 5:11-13)

If you have not asked Jesus into your life you can receive Jesus Christ right now by faith through prayer.

Prayer is just talking with God. He knows your heart, so don’t worry about getting your words just right. Here is a suggested prayer to guide you:

Lord Jesus, I want to know you personally. Thank you for dying on the cross for my sins. I open the door of my life and receive you as my Saviour and Lord. Thank you for forgiving me of my sins and giving me eternal life. Take control of my life. Make me the kind of person You want me to be.

If you have done this, then congratulations! (Luke 15:7) says that when one sinner accepts Jesus Christ as his or her Saviour the angels rejoice. So there’s a party going on in heaven right now over your decision! Remember this date as your “second birthday,” the day you were born into a new life in Christ! You have God’s Word that he answered your prayer.

Please take a moment to contact me, I would love to pray with you personally for this wonderful new journey you are on. roblavallee@gmail.com

If you are in need of prayer for yourself or others, please Click Here


Rob Lavallee

Scriptural Seeds Ministries


July 19th 2023 – The Gift of Peace

John 14:27 – “Peace I leave with you; my peace I give you. I do not give to you as the world gives. Do not let your hearts be troubled and do not be afraid.”

In this verse, Jesus offers His disciples and all believers the gift of peace. But this peace is not like the temporary and fleeting peace that the world promises. It is a deep and lasting peace that comes from knowing and trusting in Jesus Christ.

In the midst of a chaotic and troubled world, Jesus reminds us not to let our hearts be troubled or afraid. He knows that we face many challenges, trials, and uncertainties, but He offers us His peace to calm our troubled hearts and minds.

This peace is not dependent on our personal circumstances. It is not found in worldly possessions, success, or the absence of problems. Instead, it is a peace that transcends all understanding and surpasses the troubles of this world. It is a peace that comes from knowing that Jesus is with us, guiding and comforting us through every situation.

As Christians, we can find peace in Jesus’ words because He has overcome the world. He conquered sin and death through His sacrifice on the cross, and He offers us the same victory and peace through faith in Him.

So, when we find ourselves feeling anxious or afraid, let us remember the promise of Jesus’ peace. Let us turn to Him in prayer, seeking His presence and surrendering our worries to Him. Let us trust in His faithfulness and His promises, knowing that He is in control and that His peace will guard our hearts and minds.

May we embrace the peace that Jesus offers, allowing it to fill every corner of our lives. And may this peace shine through us, becoming a powerful testimony to those around us who desperately need the peace that only Jesus can provide.

Let us hold on to the words of Jesus in John 14:27, allowing His peace to guide us, comfort us, and strengthen us each day.


Heavenly Father, Thank you for the gift of prayer, a way for us to communicate with you and seek your guidance, comfort, and understanding. Today, we come before you with humble hearts, acknowledging that there are certain circumstances and situations in our lives that surpass our understanding. We recognize that there are times when we can’t comprehend the reasons behind the challenges we face or the pain we endure.

In these moments, we turn to you, knowing that you are the source of all wisdom and knowledge. We ask for your divine intervention, to grant us the ability to trust in your plan even when we can’t fully comprehend it. Help us to have faith in your goodness and faithfulness, knowing that you work all things together for our ultimate good.

Lord, we ask for your peace that surpasses all understanding to guard our hearts and minds. In the midst of confusion, doubt, and uncertainty, may your peace anchor our souls and remind us that you are in control. Help us to surrender our need for understanding and instead trust in your sovereignty.

We pray for those who are going through difficult times, those who are facing trials that surpass their understanding. Comfort them, Lord, and grant them the strength to endure. Surround them with your love and remind them of your presence, even in the midst of their confusion.

Teach us, Father, to rely not on our own understanding, but to lean on you in all things. Help us to seek your wisdom and guidance in every decision we make, knowing that you have a perfect plan for our lives.

Finally, Lord, we thank you for the promise that one day, all things will be made clear. In the presence of your glory, we will fully understand and comprehend the reasons behind every trial and challenge we faced on earth. Until then, we trust in your promise and rest in the assurance that your ways are higher than our ways. In Jesus’ name, we pray. Amen.

If you would like to request a prayer Click Here

Rob Lavallee

Scriptural Seeds Ministries


July 14th 2023 – Submitting to God’s Guidance

Let’s look at this powerful message found in James 4:7. The verse below encourages us to submit ourselves to God and resist the devil. Let us delve into the importance of surrendering to God’s will and the strength we can find in Him.

James 4:7 – “Submit yourselves, then, to God. Resist the devil, and he will flee from you.”

The verse reminds us that our relationship with God requires an active and intentional submission to His authority. When we submit ourselves to God, we acknowledge His sovereignty and surrender our own desires and plans. This act of surrender is not a sign of weakness, but rather an act of trust and faith in God’s wisdom and goodness.

In our journey of faith, we are bound to encounter challenges and temptations. The verse also emphasizes the importance of resisting the devil. The devil seeks to deceive and distract us from God’s purpose for our lives. However, when we stand firm in our faith and resist the devil’s lies, he will flee from us. This resistance is not something we can accomplish on our own, but by relying on God’s strength, we can overcome any temptation that comes our way.

Submission to God is not a one-time event but a continuous process. It requires us to align our thoughts, actions, and desires with God’s will. In doing so, we open ourselves up to His guidance and direction. As we surrender control to God, we find peace, joy, and fulfillment that can only come from walking in His ways.

1. Prayer: Take time each day to submit yourself to God in prayer. Ask for His guidance and strength to resist the devil’s temptations.

2. Meditate on Scripture: Reflect on God’s Word daily to gain a deeper understanding of His will for your life. James 1:22 encourages us not only to hear the Word but to live it out.

3. Seek Godly counsel: Surround yourself with fellow believers who can offer wisdom and support as you navigate life’s challenges.

4. Trust in God’s promises: Remind yourself of God’s faithfulness and trust that He will give you the strength to overcome any temptation or trial.

As we conclude, let us remember the importance of submitting ourselves to God’s authority. By doing so, we can resist the devil’s lies and find strength in God’s guidance. May we continually seek His will, trusting that He will lead us on the path of righteousness. Let us embrace this verse as a reminder of the power and love of our Heavenly Father.


Dear Heavenly Father,

We come before You today, humbled by Your love and grateful for Your guidance in our lives. We acknowledge that You are the sovereign Lord, and we surrender ourselves to Your authority. Help us to submit our will, plans, and desires to You, knowing that You have a perfect plan for us. We confess that at times we have allowed the distractions and temptations of this world to lead us astray. We ask for Your forgiveness for the times we have not resisted the devil’s lies and fallen into sin. Strengthen us, Lord, to stand firm in our faith and resist the schemes of the enemy.

Grant us the wisdom to discern Your will and the courage to follow it wholeheartedly. Fill our minds with Your Word, that we may meditate on it day and night, finding guidance and encouragement in its truth. Help us to live out Your Word in our daily lives, reflecting Your love, grace, and mercy to those around us.

Lord, we pray for a heart that is willing to seek godly counsel. Surround us with wise and faithful believers who can provide guidance, support, and accountability. Help us to listen attentively to their counsel and advice, discerning what aligns with Your will.

Please remind us of Your promises when we face trials and temptations. Strengthen our faith and trust in You, knowing that You are faithful to give us the strength to overcome any obstacle. Help us to trust in Your timing and plan, even when it seems difficult or unclear. We thank You for Your unfailing love and grace. May our lives be a testimony of Your goodness and may we bring glory to Your name through our submission to Your guidance. In Jesus’ name, we pray. Amen.


Have you ever eacknowledged Jesus as you Lord and Savior?

If you do not know Him personally. I encourage you not to pass up the precious gift of His love and eternal life. We truly are living in the end days, a d the only road to Heavwn is through Jesus Christ. Jesus died on the cross for you and me. Jesus loves us and wants to help us through the storms. If you have not asked Jesus to be your Lord and Savior please click here 4 Simple Steps to Jesus

If you would like to request a prayer Click Here

Rob Lavallee

Scriptural Seeds Ministries


July 6th 2023 – Embracing God’s Love and Grace

Romans 5:8 “But God demonstrates his own love for us in this: While we were still sinners, Christ died for us.”

In the midst of our human imperfections and shortcomings, God chose to send His Son, Jesus Christ, to die on the cross for our sins. This act of sacrificial love reveals the depth of His mercy and the vastness of His grace.

Consider the significance of God’s love: it is not dependent on our actions or worthiness. While we were still sinners, Christ willingly laid down His life for us, offering us forgiveness and reconciliation with our Heavenly Father. It is through His sacrifice that we can experience true freedom from guilt and shame.

As we meditate on God’s love, we also should reflect on the grace that accompanies it. Grace is the unmerited favor of God, freely given to us, regardless of our past mistakes or present struggles. It is through God’s grace that we can find solace in times of weakness, strength in moments of doubt, and hope in the face of adversity.

In our journey of faith, it is easy to become burdened by self-condemnation or overwhelmed by the challenges we face. However, let us remember that God’s love and grace are greater than any obstacle we encounter. They offer us a fresh start, a renewed purpose, and an everlasting hope

Today, take a moment to embrace God’s love and grace. Open your heart to His forgiveness, allowing His love to heal any wounds or regrets you may carry. Surrender your burdens and trust in His grace to carry you through difficult times.

May you find comfort in knowing that you are loved beyond measure, and may God’s grace empower you to extend love and forgiveness to others. Let us live each day in gratitude for the immeasurable gift of His love and the boundless depths of His grace.


Heavenly Father, thank you for your incredible love and grace. Help us to fully comprehend the depth of your love revealed through Jesus’ sacrifice on the cross. May we embrace your forgiveness and extend it to others. Fill our hearts with gratitude and empower us to live lives that reflect your love and grace. In Jesus’ name, we pray. Amen.

If you have never experienced the love of God through a relationship with Jesus then come to Him today. He will never turn you away.

If you would like to request a prayer Click Here

Please click here to learn more about how to ask Jesus into your heart. 4 Simple Steps to Jesus

Rob Lavallee

Scriptural Seeds Ministries


March 19th 2020 – Deliverance and Strength

“But now, do not therefore be grieved or angry with yourselves because you sold me here; for God sent me before you to preserve life. For these two years the famine has been in the land, and there are still five years in which there will be neither plowing nor harvesting. And God sent me before you to preserve a posterity for you in the earth, and to save your lives by a great deliverance.”(Genesis 45:5-7)

Looking at the life of Joseph we see that he went through a lot of pain and suffering. In the book of Genesis Chapter 45, he is revealing himself to his brothers for the first time. Instead of being angry at them, he loves them. He even encourages them not to feel guilty or angry at themselves for mistreating him. If you are not familiar with the life of Joseph, his brothers had thrown him into a pit and sold him into slavery. They went back to their father and told him that Joseph was dead.

Now, over 20 years later, Joseph had been betrayed by his brothers, enslaved, falsely accused of rape, and imprisoned. He also had been forgotten, lied to, and criticized by many people. In a nutshell, Joseph had it pretty tough, and not just for a couple years, but for over 20 years. Maybe you have experienced similar circumstances?

The truth is, we all are going to go through problems at some point in life. These problems could last for a short season or they could last for what seems like forever. What do we do? Well, Joseph was a great example. He recognized that God had allowed him to go through this situation to help the people around him. Joseph helped a whole nation not starve, and now people from other countries were coming for help as well. Because of him going through problems and keeping his focus on God, he was able to help in someone else’s great deliverance. Today, don’t focus on the problem, focus on the Father. He is not only going to bring you through it, but He is going to use it to help someone else that may go through something similar.

“The Lord is the source of all my righteousness and strength.” (Isaiah 45:24 partial)

“Our problems will always be smaller than our God. When we recognize this, we can become the  Inspiration of someone else’s deliverance and Strength from God.”


Heavenly Father, I am grateful for the promises of Your Word. I do pray that You help me during the difficult seasons in life. During those times, help me to focus on You. I need Your power and strength to face each one of lives struggles and dissapointments. Please continue to help and teach me to turn to You first. Help me learn to patiently endure the suffering and the hard times and honor You in the midst of them as I walk by faith. I lift up all of my troubles and faithfully trust in You Lord that you will guide me or even provide me with an extraordinary rescue.. Continue to give me the strength and help me to recognize how can I be someone else’s help. In Jesus’ name I pray. Amen.

Don’t go through life’s struggles alone. If you have not accepted Jesus Christ as your Savior, Click Here to read Four Simple Steps to Jesus.

If you are in need of prayer for yourself or others, please Click Here


Rob Lavallee

Scriptural Seeds Ministries


March 15th 2020 – Forgiven in Christ Our Lord

“Nevertheless, brethren, I have written more boldly to you on some points, as reminding you, because of the grace given to me by God” (Romans 15:15)

Satan loves to remind us of our past sins and failures. He finds great pleasure in bringing up things that God has long forgiven us of.

Revelation chapter 12:10 refers to Satan as the “accuser of our brethren.” That’s what he does, but not because he’s really got anything on us. If you have accepted Jesus as your Lord and Savior, the Bible tells us that your sins have been separated from you as far as the east is from the west (Psalm 103:12). So, what does it profit the enemy to bring up what you’ve been forgiven of? He wants to distract you from following Jesus. If he can get you to listen to his accusations, maybe he can shame you into believing that you’ve crossed some line of forgiveness that doesn’t exist. That is his game and he is betting that he can pull you into it. Remember the words in 1st John

“If we confess our sins, He is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness.” (1 John 1:9)

Has Satan distracted you from following Jesus? Don’t believe his lies, and friend, in love, you need to quit listening to your enemy. You have got a great future ahead of you. Satan, on the other hand… well… his future is not so good because he will be thrown into the lake of fire. He will be destroyed. He knows it. So, the next time the enemy tries to remind you of your past, remind him of his future.

“We often forget what we should remember and remember what we should forget.”


Heavenly Father, Thank You for sending Your only Son, Jesus to die on the cross for my sins. Thank You for the promise that one day, You will wipe the tears from my eyes and there will be no more death, sorrow or crying. Thank You that I can have peace through Jesus, no matter what trial or difficulties I am experiencing. Please forgive me for the times when I have surrendered my peace to a situation or problem and help me to live for You every day. I rejoice in knowing the future that lies ahead of me is so much better than the past that is behind me. In Jesus’ name, Amen.

If you would like to know more about accepting Jesus in your life, Click Here to read “Four Simple Steps” to asking Jesus into your life.

If you are in need of prayer for yourself or others, please Click Here


Rob Lavallee

Scriptural Seeds Ministries


March 13th 2020 – God, I Got This On My Own

“And after eight days His disciples were again inside, and Thomas with them. Jesus came, the doors being shut, and stood in the midst, and said, ‘Peace to you!’ Then He said to Thomas, ‘Reach your finger here, and look at My hands; and reach your hand here, and put it into My side. Do not be unbelieving, but believing.’” (John 20:26-27)

We have all heard the comments, “get it together,” “straighten up,” or the ever classic, “as the good book says, the Lord helps them that help themselves.” Eventually, we heard it enough that we believed it. First, I have read the good book from cover to cover several times and let me assure you, it does not say that. Second, the Lord helps those that ask for His help.

If you are still determined to make it on your own, or get yourself cleaned up, or fly right or that you can fix the problem, whatever term you want to use, the Lord will let you try. The moment you realize you need the Lord’s help, He will be there to help, though not when you are over the trial, but while you are in the trial. To think that He comes to us after we get through the tough stuff is to paint Him as a fair weather friend. Beloved of God, it is you that the Lord longs to walk with through the storms of life. Call out to Him right where you are, just as you are and He will become even more real to you. The Lord loves you enough to take you just as you are, and thankfully He loves you too much to let you stay that way.

“Jesus will come to us right where we are and as we are.”


Heavenly Father, I’ve tried it my way and my way doesn’t work. I need Your help in my life. Whatever things I’m trying to do on my own outside of You, I completely surrender to You. Please help me. Thank You for being the here for me always. Forgive me for not listening to You when I have heard the answer to my situation many times. Forgive me for choosing my way over Yours. I confess that am just a sinner and do not know more then You Lord. Please strenthing my faith and trust in You. In Jesus’ name, Amen.

If you would like to request a prayer Click Here

Interested in experiencing forgiveness and love found in Jesus? Please click here to learn more about how to ask Jesus into your heart. 4 Simple Steps to Jesus


Rob Lavallee

Scriptural Seeds Ministries


February 24th 2020 – Our Sinful Nature

“So letting your sinful nature control your mind leads to death. But letting the Spirit control your mind leads to life and peace.” (Romans 8:6)

When we solely act on our feelings it is very dangerous. If we always do what what we “feel like” doing, most times it will end up getting us in trouble. Following just our feelings will lead us into sin, and that can lead to broken relationships, depression, prison and even far worse. So the question is, “What filter do we use to help us control our thoughts and feelings?” While the world may say, “If it feels right do it,” God’s Word tells us that we don’t have the ability to know what is “right” without His direction. We need His guidance, through the Bible.

When we process our thoughts and feelings through the Bible’s instructions and God’s promises, we will be better able to replace the bad or harmful thoughts with those that are good and beneficial. Submitting to God’s Word and His Holy Spirit allows us to know what is good and right. It gives us hope in something greater than our own understanding and therefore, we walk in light rather than darkness. Jesus will walk with us if we allow Him to. We don’t have to be alone.

Do not take your dark brooding thoughts out and play with them. Do not sit and focus on what’s wrong. Don’t allow your desires to run away with you. Take your thoughts captive. Do not walk in fear. Fight the good fight. God will give you victory!

“Sometimes thoughts and feelings are great and good and holy; sometimes they are dark and brooding and torturous.”


Heavenly Father, Thank You for the power I have in Christ to overcome bad thoughts and harmful feelings. It is because of Your promises of hope and salvation that I can rejoice no matter what my situation may be. It’s with Your power that I can control my emotions rather than my emotions controlling me. Please protect me from myself and my own destructive sinful nature. Help me forgive myself and seek You first. Thank You Lord! In Jesus’ name, Amen.

Do you trust Jesus enough with your life? You should, Jesus died on the cross for you and me. He loves us and wants to help us. If you have not asked Jesus to be your Lord and Savior please click here 4 Simple Steps to Jesus

If you are seeking Jesus in your life or want to recommit your life to Him. Click Here to learn more.


Rob Lavallee

Scriptural Seeds Ministries


February 23rd 2020 – Is God Speaking to You?

“then hear from heaven Your dwelling place, and forgive, and give to everyone according to all his ways, whose heart You know (for You alone know the hearts of the sons of men),” (2 Chronicles 6:30)

Trials, hardships, frustrations–whatever they’re called, we all deal with them at one time or another. The good news is that God desires to speak to us during those times. It could be that you are surrounded by circumstances that are difficult, or you may have made bad choices which have led to a bad situation. In those times, remember the words of Jesus Himself…

“Come to Me, all you who labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest. Take My yoke upon you and learn from Me, for I am gentle and lowly in heart, and you will find rest for your souls.” (Matthew 11:28)

Many times in life, we can’t hear the Lord, even when He is shouting to get our attention. It’s often in those times of struggle that He whispers and we hear His voice loud and clear. If today you find yourself in the midst of hardships, seek the Lord. Use this time to seek forgiveness and cling to the grace of God. Cry out to God and He will hear from heaven and pour out His love upon you in abundance. When we do this, God makes the most of our pain and can bring something good from something bad.

“Whenever something in life goes wrong, use the moment to ask forgiveness and draw closer to the Lord.”


Heavenly Father, Thank You for the life You have given me. Lord, I pray that when this life gets difficult that I turn to You. Help me draw closer to You whether I am enjoying blessings or walking through trials. Father, may each day and circumstance be used to make me more like Jesus. Forgive me of my sins and fill me with Your Spirit so that I can be used to build Your Kingdom. In Jesus’ name, Amen.

If you are in need of prayer for yourself or others, please Click Here

If you are seeking Jesus in your life or want to recommit your life to Him. Click Here to learn more.


Rob Lavallee

Scriptural Seeds Ministries
