Tag Archives: Contentment is a Choice

June 4th 2017 – Contentment is a Choice

“They promise freedom, but they themselves are slaves of sin and corruption. For you are a slave to whatever controls you.” (2 Peter 2:19)

Throughout our lives, we will be faced with various temptations. It could be in the form of a false teacher promising something unbiblical or an activity that appeals to our sinful nature but either way, it is empty in the end. One of the temptations the bible refers to is the “lust of the eyes”, and it has the power to cause us to become bitter, unhappy and resentful towards others. Another word we could use to describe this sin would be the word covetousness. When we look at the blessings of others and desire it for ourselves, we begin coveting. At that moment, we can begin secretly resenting that individual for nothing more than being blessed by God. It’s true, they probably don’t deserve it, but none of us do.

How can we battle the lust of the eyes? I believe we find the answer in the words of Paul found in (Philippians 4:11)  “Not that I speak in regard to need, for I have learned in whatever state I am, to be content.”

Contentment is the key. Also, notice what Paul said, “I learned.” Paul did not start off content. Through the power of God, he learned to be that way whether he was in prison or enjoying the blessings of food and fellowship. This can be difficult at times but there is true freedom in learning contentment. If we can learn this, then no matter what happens in the crazy world, we will be joyful because we have God, and He is enough. As you begin your day, ask God to help you to be content. Don’t be surprised; however, if you find that your coworker gets a raise or a friend is able to buy a brand new car. Instead of getting upset because you didnt, choose contentment.

Rejoice with them and thank the Lord for graciously saving you. After all, if God can forgive us of all our sin, what more do we need?

“Contentment is a choice we must make”


Heavenly Father, I thank You for the grace you have shown me. You have given me life and because of Christ, I know that I also have eternal life. Help me to be content with whatever You plan for my life. I desire to walk in peace and joy regardless of my circumstances. Use me today to share Your love with others. In Jesus’ name, Amen.

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If you are seeking Jesus in your life or want to recommit your life to Him. Click here to learn more.

Rob Lavallee

Scriptural Seeds Ministries
